JEDI Monthly Circle Co-creation Event
Share This Post Wednesday, April 24th from 12:00-2:00pm MT Join with us to co-create a series of rich, monthly conversations that reflect our highest aspirations for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our initial idea for the JEDI Monthly Circle revolves around how we can amplify our impact on the world through JEDI—leveraging our strengths, fostering […]
Take Action: 6 Steps Towards Gender Equity In Today’s Workplace
“Gender equity is the process of being fair to women and men. To ensure fairness, strategies and measures must often be available to compensate for women’s historical and social disadvantages that prevent women and men from otherwise operating on a level playing field. Equity leads to equality.”
Asking Questions To Pursue Equity For All
“Individuals can only be meaningfully included–and true assets to your team–when they are seen and respected as their whole selves.”
Kick-start your Inclusion Goals
“We help you bring clarity and provide purpose to orient your employees’ decisions.”
A DEI Strategy That Gives Employees The Wheel
“Workplace culture is the synergy of shared values, belief systems, attitudes, and sensibilities among co-workers.”
The 3 S’s for Transforming your Workplace culture
“Embracing inclusive leadership and fostering inclusive change requires us to begin by setting intentions. It all starts with developing self-awareness among our leaders and employees.”
Avoiding the Avoidance Placebo And Embracing The Pain of Resistance
“The natural tendency in the face of this trepidation is to stall or even back peddle, and our minds are brilliant at redirecting us to other priorities and deflecting our responsibility with logical-seeming excuses as to why we shouldn’t take the risk(s) of proceeding.”
Is Implicit Bias Stopping You From Being An Inclusive Leader?
“Effectively managing unconscious bias is crucial for shifting an organization that is merely demographically diverse into one that is truly equitable and fully inclusive.”
Red to Teal: Leadership Has Come A Long Way & So Can You
“At the Teal Level, opposites can become complementary and integrated into a comprehensive whole that is self-sustaining.”
Brake, Accelerate, or Yield? Navigate The Way to Inclusion by Letting Employees Decide
“While it may seem contradictory to emphasize individual choices in order to boost group results, giving employees space to practice their judgment also gives them opportunities to demonstrate their special value within a team.”